
"Four player chaos. Two player duels. One-hit-kill. Shoot, dash, and slash to annihilate your friends(?) in this intense platform fighter."

Project: 8

Time: 8 weeks, full time, 320 hours

Reference Game: Samurai Gunn 2

Group Name: Arcturus Game Studios

Game Engine: Aurora

Level Editor: Borealis

Role Overview: Engine, graphics, and editor

Contribution Overview: Editor and VFX implementation

My Contributions

As we for this project chose to use our own level editor instead of Unreal our level designers requested a drag/box selection feature. In theory this wouldn't be to hard as we already support selection by clicking and I planned to use the same approach, sampling our game object ID texture. 

I got it working quite quickly, but noticed that it could take some time to sample every pixel in the box, even up to a few seconds. My first idea to optimize this was to only sample every fifth pixel. It worked and made it quicker but it wasn't good enough. One problem was that I just reused the same function we use when click-selecting, where we only fetch one pixel from the ID texture. Fetching data from the GPU takes some time, so I fixed this by fetching a list containing every pixel inside the box at ones instead.